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Robbinsdale, MN
United States


At Tidal Doula, we're more than just photographers and birth supporters—we're storytellers, capturing the raw emotion, strength, and beauty of your journey into parenthood. Based in the heart of Robbinsdale, MN, and serving families throughout Minneapolis and the Twin Cities area, our mission is to empower you through every step of your childbirth experience. With personalized doula support and expert birth photography, we preserve the precious moments of your birth story, ensuring they're cherished for generations to come. Dive into our world of compassion, empowerment, and creativity at Tidal Doula—where every birth is world-changing.

Birth Photography for Jasmine and Baby Boy at Roots Community Birth Center

The Tidal Doula Blog

Explore empowering birth stories, helpful tips, and stunning photography on the Tidal Doula Blog. Based in Robbinsdale, MN, our blog offers valuable resources to support families in Minneapolis and the Twin Cities area through their childbirth journey. Delve into our collection of articles written by experienced doula Emily Kossila and find inspiration for your own unique birth experience, beautifully captured through our photography.

Birth Photography for Jasmine and Baby Boy at Roots Community Birth Center

Emily Kossila

Had the humbling experience of being the birth photographer for the incredibly strong Jasmine while she birthed her first baby at Roots Community Birth Center in Minneapolis. She had the loving support of her doula Jasmine, of Black Lotus Mothers, family, and the wonderful Roots team of Britt and Aly. Still in awe of her perseverance and absolute joy when her baby was lifted onto her chest. The biggest congratulations and welcome to this newest little life.